Report to: Athletic Director
Supervises: Coaches and Athletes
Salary: $3,500 ($1,750 in May and $1,750 in July)
Benefits: No benefits applicable
- Background check and DCCS must be completed and come back clear (wait to complete upon hire)
- To develop appropriate behavior on the athletic fields.
- To develop respect for team members, opponents, coaches, officials, families, and community.
- To guide each athlete to achieve his/her potential.
- To develop an athlete’s ability to work as part of a team.
- To teach and develop fundamental skills in the sport in which the athlete chooses to participate.
- To develop each athlete’s knowledge of the sport and teach the rules of the game.
- To provide opportunity to learn life-long health habits.
- To teach proper care of equipment, school property, and the property of others.
- To develop self-discipline.